mercredi 3 novembre 2010

Fifa 11

FIFA 11 player reinvents Authenticity - on and off the ball - For Every player and At Every Position On The Pitch With Personality + year all-new feature Sees Individual Abilities That Reflected in game, Enabling clear differentiation For Every Player.

With Personality + a footballer's Abilities On The Pitch IS Authentically mirrored in game, Creating individual "personalities. Players Will Be distinguished from One Another Through a sophisticated database That Evaluates and grades EACH player's skill-set over 36 attributes and 57 strokes, compiled by Scouts Around the World 1700. Real Madrid's Kaka Will Deliver crisp, creative passes, Barcelona's Andres Iniesta Will Utilize Tighter turns and close control to dribble-through defenses, Manchester United's Wayne Rooney Will hold off defenders and strike shots from distance With pace, and top-flight defenders like Giorgio Chiellini of Juventus Will Anticipate, predict and react to offensive players to win back possession.

In Fifa 11 Goalkeepers Have Been Injected With Personality aussi +. The real-life personality of The Keeper, whether traditional or acrobatic, Will dictate style in game history. Dive attributes determines Will The Keepers With The Ability to Reach for further shots while reflex attribute determines reaction times, so like a keeper Petr Cech of Chelsea FC show Will Be Able to showcase world-class skills.

Xbox 360 : Mise à jour avancée

 Careful attention to all those who have yet to go on their Xbox 360, you might be pleasantly surprised. The little guys at Microsoft have decided to release their new version of the dashboard now instead of November 4. Some of you have already took pleasure in exploring the new features of the dashboard, but then, taking advantage of this vacation day went for a walk see to shop, not yet opened their Xbox. If you're one of them you are now warned.

Call of Duty Black

Soon we will analyze the strength of that Treyarch Infinity Ward Infinity Ward gives us the passage of masterpieces always attractive. For now we content ourselves with this launch trailer, which already gives an overview

Gimme Shelter des Stones. "Le plus gros jeu de 2010" en accroche. Et une succession d'images qui débordent de variété, d'explosions, de ralentis hollywoodiens, et d'accroches enthousiastes de journaux spécialisés : c'est ce qu'on appelle du trailer vidéo de lancement qui ne fait pas les choses à moitié.

Et ça marche. En tout cas sur moi. Faut dire que Gimme Shelter est ma chanson préférée des Rolling Stones, ça aide, mais je crois que la variété apparente des situations promises par le prochain Call of Duty n'y est pas étrangère non plus, de même que sa plastique plutôt aguicheuse. Il n'y a plus guère longtemps à attendre avant de savoir enfin à quel point Treyarch s'est défoncé pour livrer un épisode qui fasse oublier les Modern WarfareInfinity Ward, puisque Call of Duty : Black Ops est prévu pour le d'9 novembre prochain, sur PC, 360, et PS3, mais aussi dans d'autres versions Wii et DS (cette dernière étant développée par n-Space).